Shade Taking & Dental Photography A to Z
Thanks to the rapid development of the digital technology, photography is becoming much easier recently. However, in reality, the science of the photography is complicated; thus, many of us are still struggling how to take good photographs. In this hands-on course, award-winning professional photographer and ceramist, Naoki Aiba, CDT will address:
由於數位技術的迅速發展,近年來攝影這件事越來越容易。 但實際上,關於攝影的科學知識是相對複雜的; 因此,我們之中的許多人仍然在努力如何拍出好照片。 在這個實作課中,將由獲獎的專業攝影師和陶瓷技師,Naoki Aiba先生介紹:
Course 3 highlights are: 課程的3大亮點:
Foil Technique Porcelain Laminate Veneers
Porcelain laminate veneers are becoming popular due to its predictable esthetic outcome while preserving natural dentition. The PLVs can be used to close diastema, to improve tooth form and function, and to restore worn or fractured incisal edges.
陶瓷薄貼片由於其可預測的美學成果及能夠保持自然齒質正在變得流行。 PLV可用於關閉縫隙,改善牙齒形狀和功能,並恢復磨損或斷裂的切緣。
Marginal integrity of the veneers made with platinum foil technique has been an issue, compared to press or refractory technique. In this hands-on course, Naoki will demonstrate his step-by-step procedure of foil technique PLVs, focusing on 3 keys to achieve better marginal integrity: (1) model preparation, (2) foil swaging technique, and (3) incremental porcelain build-up.
Another focus will be on fabricating bleach shade (brighter than A1) PLVs that look natural while controlling the opacity for masking. In this hands-on course, two brighter than A1 PLVs will be fabricated: one with A4 stump, and the other one with A1 stump.
In addition to the two veneers, we will work on “Non-PrepVeneer” on an extracted tooth.
另一個重點將是製做漂白色色調(比A1更亮)的超薄貼面,同時達到遮蔽及控制不透明感但是看起來自然.在這個實作課的過程中,將會製做比A1 更亮的兩個PLV:一個是A4底色,另一個則是是A1底色。除了這兩個超薄貼面之外,我們還將在口外的離體牙齒上進行“免磨牙貼面”的製作。
Highlights of the Course are: 課程的亮點是:
Ceramist, Professional photographer, CDT, Member of Oral Design, Editorial board for QDT
A Ceramist and professional photographer, born in Nagoya, Japan.Naoki Aiba, CDT graduated the Dental…...
台倢牙科技工材料-- Creation CC唯美瓷粉